Broken Succession and Environment in the Growing Fertility Crisis

According to official World Bank Group figures fertility is down across the globe. This means that women are having fewer babies than in the past. This does not indicate that all world populations are cratering, rather they are producing less. However there are certain countries where childbirth is plummeting at a disturbing rate.

It is a subtle, but important subject of palpable importance. Particularly for states whose fertility rates have dropped below 1.5 percent. It spells an interesting future for nations facing the prospect of an inverted pyramid in population growth and a large aging workforce. There are salient questions about the state's ability to support its aged citizens, staff military and reman productuve as one generation ages out of the workforce and another enters it.

There are schemes of all manner being employed to beef up population numbers from fiscal insentives, importing childbearing age spouses to social programs promoting sex. Most of these programs as well as the thought processes behind increasing fertility are flawed in that they overlook the root causes of falling populations. Therefore we must consider the real causation of the decline.

Extended Political and Executive Tenure

While not exclusive across all world demographics, certainly in major economies, Baby Boomers have been slow to abdicate their seats in both politics, work and executive function. This prolonged tenure, as seen most evidently in the halls of politics with aged candidates like the 81-Year Old American President, 91-year old Cameroonian president, 82-Year Old Ivory Coast Premier, 88-Year Old Palestinians president, 88-Year Old King of Saudi Arabia and the 87-Year old Roman Pope.

These stark numbers only underscore the malignamcy that leach down into the state and local administration to a wider public. The massive number of US Baby Boomers in Congress are also indicative of this problem. Pundits are predicting Baby Boomers will be the predictor the 2024 US election, according to a Yahoo News report. These prolongued stints of power ensure that these cadres of power become the headless horsemen of the state, enacting policy and protocol divorced from the reality of emerging generations. A brittleness and disconnect eventually sets in as we see today.

Many in developed economies have less control of the states they wish to raise their children than in the past. Their contemporaries are still occupying remedial roles that ensures power stays trapped in bureaucratic silos and nepotism. From the America's to Africa, Latin America and Asia, leadership has become a slow burning political dynasty that alienates local populations. Longtime government operatives are promoted to unsuitable positions and the state begins to operate apart from the populace. Often these nepotistic and installed operatives do not feel a sense of duty to the population as much as their constituents. A Phenomenon seen most recently in America's top diplomat, a longtime Biden security operative with multiple relatives in US foreign policy who lied to Congress about Israel. That diplomat is also being held in contempt of Congress for skipping Hearings on Afghanistan. The moves, echo similar disregard dispayed by longtime NIH, FBI, CIA, Secret Service and other internal US operatives who feel they are above accountability to the American people. Similar gambits are occurring in the Eurozone, UK and G7/Nato counties among others.

Locals cannot be fundamentally sure that their interests will be represented. They nor any of their peers adequately occupy seats of authority or power. They are locked out because they did not attend the right university, club or society cabal. When there are more unsaid rules, than defined qualification, populations grow to distrust such institutions. People then postpone activities (child-rearing) that require them to rely on whether those those institutions will operate on their behalf and fulfill objectives for popular benefit.

Fiscal Instability and Wage Stagnation

There is no utility in asking populations to reproduce where fiscal instability is rife and wages stagnate. It is inane to ask populations to procreate without financial means. It's tough to suffer alone, tuffer to suffer as a couple and suicide to suffer with innocent children in tow. People with greater education tend to steer clear of obvious lifestyle traps. Conversely,World Bank Data shows that deeply poor states with low literacy and long-term entrenched poverty are less effected by fluctuations in fiscal instability since most finance never "trickles down" to the masses in post colonial states. They remain in a state of perpetual penury so there is neither incentive nor disincentive to procreate.

However, more educated and affluent states have seen precipitous drops in fertility almost in unison with wage stagnation, fiscal crises underemployment and job loss. The US and much of the developed word migrated their manufacturing out of the state around 1970-1990s leaving fewer opportunitues for gainful longterm employment for their quotidian classes. Today we see the result of that in population numbers. America has seen some of the highest Bankruptcy filings since the 2020 pandemic in 2020, Wion News reports.

Contrary to popular theory, fertility is not merely a shift in social cognition. It is not merely whether sex is occurring in populations, as much as it is the economic safety and feasibility of permitting conception and carrying pregnancies to term in hostile fiscal environments. Those brave enough to move forward in childbirth take great risks in unsupportive environments where it is evident through policy and economic situation that local populations are secondary to everything related to the state.

In the US alone there have been increasing fiscal setbacks. The downsizing of the 1990s, the financial crashes of the early 2000s and the stagflation of the present day. Despite the upward revisions and word salad by the US Fed, Americans are not stupid. Nor are their contemporaries in other low birth nations worldwide.

Populations can see just how much their governments care about their fiscal health and they tend to act accordingly. As basic housing becomes untenable and personal freedoms have waned, it makes very little sense to engage in a marital union with multiple births. Unfortunately, there no censorship or policy that changes common sense. Perhaps it is why India has maintained a high birthrate as it increases personal freedoms and the press. The general outlook for opportunity is slightly greater than in the past, regardless of actual fiscal numbers. There is a palpable psychological weight that populations experience under draconian policies and restrictive laws.

A new 2024 study by Northeastern University revealed that Americans' trust in doctors and the healthcare industry plummeted after the pandemic from 71.5 percent to 40.1 percent. That is a massive 30 point drop in just four years. And that is an important development, because women are often dependant upon the medical industry for childbirth and pediatrics.

These authoritarian, strong arm measures have palpable effects on the population even if they are not immediately apparent. The Mayo Clinic reports that Black maternal mortality is staggeringly high at 2.6 times higher than their counterparts. The rates are so high, that Black American mothers turned to alternative birthing methods or international deliveries. These stats, while detrimental to America's Black American ethnic group, have a spillover effect on the entire US population. Again, local prople are not daft, regardless of the policy or official narrative. They see through it and behaviors are adjusted.

Personal Freedoms and Security

And finally, many in developed states are opting out of parenthood because of instability. While not directly stated, many rich counties and former colonial powers are facing destabilization and decline. Destabilization has largely been seen as a developing world problem, however, an increasingly globalized world permits covert military, intelligence and destabilization tactics to blow back.

Americans have even grown wary of political tactics which have been weaponized over time. The infamous Russiagate which proved to be untrue regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election leaves populations distrustful and suspicious of their own leaders. While it may have seemed like a good tactic at the outset, such flagrant claims decrease psychological safety among the population. If the state must always have an external existential enemy to win elections or make policy changes, this boogeyman also advises populations NOT procreate.

The erosion of personal freedoms and the advancement of the police state also sound an alarm for many. Particularly in populations where locals exercised a level of autonomy. In states where repression was rife, there may be little change until simmering discontent leads to sudden and often violent overthrow. The US on the other hand, offers a great case study into agency overreach and decreased democratic freedoms. Americans are less assured that the state is actually on their side, as new laws and inquisitions involving existential threats liter the American landscape. There is no impetus to rear children in environments where parents do not feel safe or that their rights are protected.

The hubris of the political class seems feasible to secure elections, coerce temporary consent, or push through questionable legislation, but they have far greater consequences on the statebas trust falls in the longterm.

The 2020 pandemic, like the 1930s Great Depression has altered behaviors and transferred generational trauma in ways that the medical community has yet to decode. These developments are changing the developed world in ways that could not have been predicted. Western states and their non-Western allies most closely associated with them through trade, alliance or a shared ideology seem to also be effected by the contagion.

In fact, concepts about overpopulation, propagated by Western theorists and scholars in the past have been largely untrue. States that modified their populations and educational assessments to fit those theories are also experiencing grave population decline. Ironically, the states most plagued by poverty, Western occupations, insurgents, jihadists, and rebel groups afflicting local populations are those in Africa and the Middle East with the highest birthrates. Chad (6.2), DRC (6.1), Mali (5.9), Niger (6.7), Nigeria (5.1), Afghanistan (4.5).

It is obvious that something must change. States must duvest from failed Western concepts and forge the best path forward for their own populations.

The state is dependent on population for stability, but so is business and centers of power. Population is not a small component of world power. However, theories of the past have failed government agencies throughout the developed world. Common sense about why and when people procreate is more effective than lofty theories and social programs. And while the World Bank Group has indicated that ferrility has decreased since 1960, this may only be a temporary fluctuation. States may wish to evaluate the merits of playing God with their popularions. Instead it may be more advantageous to provide liveable environments of safety, opportunuty, reasonable freedoms and order to facilitate the best ferility outcomes.

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