The Pivot Right: Desperate Measures for Desperate Times

Currently, Germany is contemplating banning the AfD right-wing party, Deutsche Welle reports. The irony however is that the party is at one of its most popular moments in history in Deutschland. Austria's right-wing Freedom party has made a historic electoral feat in the recent parliamentary elections Reuters reports. In a phenomena that has swept Western Europe, it appears the Kremlin was right in it 2022 prediction.

NATO chose to back Ukraine under its far -right coalition Frankenstein government. The coup d'etat that overthrew Kiyv's democratically elected, pro-Russian president often known as the Euromaidan revolution was assisted by the infamous Azov elements. That batallion continues to this day. At the start of the war, many dis nit understand the warnings of the Russian President regarding the Nazification of Western Europe. Apparently, he was right.

France's recent elections also underscored the growth of the far-right. The pivot in France was so far right, that its embattled and highly unpopular president engaged in political maneuvering to re-engineer outcomes. Many called it a bloodless coup d'etats, certainly par for the course in France. And like all banana republics, political enemies are not merely regarded as such, but are attacked and targetted. The leader of France's popular, far-right Front National party is set to face nine years in prison for political financial crimes she says she did not commit, France24 reports.

But it is not without recourse. These shenanigans have been on full display in the global south where Western Europe has played the political puppet master for decades. From coup d'etats, banned political parties, shunted media, over-regulation of business, and now imprisonment of political foes. It is ironic that the popular far-right candidate somehow gets the prison sentence and not the highly unpopular incumbent who has not been able to do anything to improve the fortunes of France after nearly a decade on Paris.

A similar gambit is playing out in the United States as the GOP candidate is also ran down with superfluous lawsuits, accusations and assasination attempts. Model democracies have devolved into barberous mayhem. Perhaps it is why the Western world is pivoting far-right.

Geopolitical scholars will argue that it is the neocons that are running the world into sectarian conflict and trade wars. But that would not be accurate. Neoconservatives are not running Washington, London or Brussels. It has been neoliberals pushing everything from open borders, cheap labor, gender fluidity, family planning to green energy. Are these not the modalities of the future?

Yet it is the neoliberals who are hawks. The West's rich and Ivy league that meet world leaders at Davos are fueling the Military Industrial complex, the regional conflicts and the trade wars. And this is not to imply that the far-right are any less hawkish. After all, the quotidian conservative base often rally behind billionaires that pretend to have something in common with the everyday man. Actually, it is the far right that promises Western populations a domestic policy.

The West is obviously in upheaval and decline, as the neoliberals political class has gone after its existential international foes with reckless abandon. But the uncomfortable truth is that the average American cannot get more than $800 dollars after a devastating storm, small businesses are shuttering and purchasibg power is low--the American Dream is in purgatory as neoliberals chase their existential enemies around tge globe. Ukrainian and Israeli Front commandos get military aid and salaries paid but there is nothing to look forward to on the homefront.

The far-right West differs from its counterpart in that one appears to offer realistic domestic solutions and the other does not. Both factions understand the imperative of empire and the mandate of its decline. It is why the current and former US presidents have levied more tariffs on Russia than their predecessor. It is why the tariffs of the last USadministration have not been lifted in good faith. It is also why the Eurozone and Canada have hunkered down to institute massive tariffs on Sino EVs.

These are two sides of the same misguided coin that are struggling for relevance and mastery in the decline of empire and the rules based order. One has forged a path of Foreign policy gone wild, while the other sees domestic repair as a more pressing contingency. For the populace, the latter has become more attractive accross almost all Western enclaves.

It's not hard to see that the West is struggling even as key economic numbers are revised upward, stats are changed and pretensions of grandios wins on Hamberger Hill battlefields suggest delusional kind of victory. The world, and their brow beaten citizens can see tgrough the hubris. The smoke has dissipated and the mirrors are broken. The people want domestic plans for victory, not forever wars that end in unvarnished defeat. The people want their freedoms back--they are tired of censorship and reckless law enforcement overreach; the people want their lives back. It's a fact that the current neoliberal West from Brussels to Washington and Sydney just doesn't get.

So the intrigue grows, the subterfuge, corruption and lies. There is a battle to stay in power or to seize it. There are more accusations of election interference. More allegations of spies and spying tech bent on swaying elections. The DNC contended it was Russia in the imfamous Russiagate scandal and now the GOP alleges it is Iran, CBS News reports.

Both scenarios are somewhat absurd in light of the mechanations of the actual US electoral system. It may be easy to assume such subterfuge were possible, if American presidents were elected by popular vote. However, the US elects presidents by both a popular vote and a more opaque electoral collage. Delegates and superdelegates are making the final choice. These delegates are not elected by the people, they are chosen by the party.

Propaganda on a foreign TV station is not going to sway the vote of pre-screened, specially selected delegates and superdelegates who act as major operatives within their party. It's why the US struggles to have a Third major political party. But the slight of hand is necessary, partucularly because even most Americans do not know how their electoral process truly works. So it seems feasible to say Iran or Russia are influencing voters in Wyoming and Tennessee.

The truth is much stranger than fiction. Americans along with other Western counterparts are coalescing on one thing: their distrust for the political elite. As they are laid off from white collar jobs, unable to buy homes or pay mortgages, and desperately short on disposable income--they know the people they entrusted to take care of them are not.

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