Civilizational Clashes In the Age of Disruption: Introduction

 In a small country that that shares geography with West Asia and Eastern Europe a tiny but powerful clash of civilizations is being waged. Georgia is preparing to impeach its controversial pro-Western leader, Reuters reports. The country has seen political upheaval as it pivots on the verge of joining the European Union or remaining cordially unaffiliated. The latter option allows it a flexibility to engage Russia or any other state as well as its own course of action apart from the iron-fisted dictates of the European Commission.

In that tiny state, the president is on track for her second attempted impeachment. Additionally, parliament is also prepared to change the constitution as it continues to modify its legislative framework. Already the EU Commission has proposed sanctions against it's leaders, OCCRP reports. Earlier this year lawmakers voted to bar foreign political and electoral interference through new legislation. It is a law somewhat similar to the US Foreign Agents law which has targetred countless Russian and Chinese nationals, news organizations, students and nationals on suspicion of espionage or political interference. The home of a prominent Russian-American professor and GOP presidential adviaor was raided by the FBI in August, MSN news reports. While it is another example of the overeach of US law enforcement agencies like CIA, DEA and Secret Service, it also demonstrates a desperation to maintain the civilizational ideology.

The EU adopted a similar mechanism recently, which aims to sanction individuals and organizations it deems supportive of Russia or its percieved geopolitical foes. Therefore, you would think the EU would welcome such legislation, as Georgia readies itself for EU inclusion. However, that has not been the case.

Georgia is significant in that it represents a clash if civiliations that is currently in-process. The former soviet state stands between two civilizational ideals. Other Eastern European states like Hungary face similar civilizational opposition. The East and the West in our present hour stand at loggerheads in the face of declining ans emerging empires. And where these civilizations meet, there is upheaval or conflict. It's worth note that the West has been pushing back the burgeoning Eastern front since the end of World War II.

The West's tenuous relationship with the Soviet Union and in recent times, the Russian Federation underscore this point. But also its adversarial relationship with Asia, from Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the Plaza Accords all of the way to Vietnam and now the China Trade Wars. The West has had a major antagonism with the East. The fall if Japanese imperialism was a win for the West to counter its hegemony in Asia. The same sentiments are fueling the current trade war and Taiwan provocations.

And while it is true that the post World War II order is fading and hegemony is shifting. A much greater effort is underway. It is a cultural clash on how life, business and foreign relations are done. There is talk of multilateralism buttressed against a late-stage demand for the continuation of unilateralism. And the battlefronts are both ideological and waged as a hot war among proxies and the allied.

Make no mistake, conflicts in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, West Africa, and Southeast Asia, among others are representations of this clash. There have always been civilizational contingencies with the West in that it has difficulty reconciling its way of life with others civiliations due to its zero-sum cultural context. And it is that context which has pit the West against most, including its current existential foes. It therefore wants civil and civilizational protections for itself but not for non-Western others.

The US and EU have seized on foreign agents laws and accusation with the intent of denying what it terms as undesireable dissent or political influence. However it forbids that same right to other states under its hackneyed "rules based order." This can be seen in the newest deployment of mostly US-based NGOs headed by the Ford Foundation establishing a West Africans Democracy fund to influence politics in West Africa. 

 In July, Kenya's own president decried negative influences by the Ford Foundation for the ongoing protests in Kenya, although the NGO of the first lady was funded by that same organization. As a point of note, less than 60 days later, that same president happily met with Ford Foundation operatives in September, Pulse News Live reports.

In many parts of the Global South this happens and the actions by the Kenyan President seems like leadership schizophrenia to the average onlooker. Rather, it is the tension between acceptance of the Western Dialectic over the Eastern one. Many developing econonies in the global south have only been able to maintain their cultural standards through support from Eastern Civilizations. Therefore, it has been the East opposing the civilizational and cultural hegemony of the West.

And hegemony is a better word than tyranny. But for countless colonized others, the Western ivilizations have amounted to a tyranny of the few. One that leverages and hides behind proxies, NGOs, humanitarian aid, debt, kickbacks and threat. This present age brings those aspects to the fore as the West forges ahead to colonize Eastern European states throughbexpansion of the blic and NATO. It is not a wonder that the EU, USA, UK and various settler states have fallen into massive debt and disfavor in the Global South.

States around the world are being pushed to take a side. The Western Civilization requires a bifurcated world. In fact, one of the clearest indicators of Western hegemony is factionalism. Wherever the West holds power, it will position itself against a perceived existential foe. Whether that foe is a physical nation, an ideology, fiscal superiority or geopolitical influence. Small or militarily weak states intrinsically understand this dynamic better because they are forced to toe the line constantly. Often on some of the most ridiculous minutiae.

Debt, deindustrialization, de-dollarization, cultural influence, military strength and geopolitical leverage are breaking down. This poses a real or imagined threat for civilizations requiring hegemony. It is why the US/UK does not reign in its Israeli vassal state in Palestine, because it is fundamentally in favor of the spread or maintenance of empire. Just recently the UK "liberated" the Chagos Islands with the exception of the nearby Diego Garcia chain which houses a military base. The effort to maintain empire is also conflated as an effort to maintain civilization.

This explains the recent violent, UK race riots; the massive anti-global South migrations, civilian cultural wars, resurgence of the Scramble for Africa, militarization of Asia, trade wars and deployment of hostile monetary policy (interest rate, sanctions, IMF anti-growth policies, privatization for Western Hedge Fund FDI).

In our three-part series we will examine the tripartite fronts on which the clash is unfolding: Ideology, territory and trade

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