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GeoChange is an international news and analysis site for the Critical Thinker.  Our belief is that an informed public is a prepared one.  Our news and analysis provide key insights with real world applications and predictions.  GeoChanges aims to amplify new voices, key insights and provide context for the GeoChange transforming our world today.  Contributors with fresh, insight and news are welcomed!

In a small country that that shares geography with West Asia and Eastern Europe a tiny but powerful clash of civilizations is being waged. Georgia is preparing to impeach its controversial pro-Western leader, Reuters reports. The country has seen political upheaval as it pivots on the verge of joining the European Union or remaining cordially...

Currently, Germany is contemplating banning the AfD right-wing party, Deutsche Welle reports. The irony however is that the party is at one of its most popular moments in history in Deutschland. Austria's right-wing Freedom party has made a historic electoral feat in the recent parliamentary elections Reuters reports. In a phenomena that has swept...

According to official World Bank Group figures fertility is down across the globe. This means that women are having fewer babies than in the past. This does not indicate that all world populations are cratering, rather they are producing less. However there are certain countries where childbirth is plummeting at a disturbing rate.

It is a subtle,...

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GeoChanges provides facts, history and analysis to help you understand the world.  We believe you and your business will thrive with the right information.

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