Survival Innovation: Pursuit of a Darwinian Solution


Many assumed that BRICS nations would produce the first gold-backed currency. But that didn't happen. Instead, it was the African nation, Zimbabwe that led the charge. The newly minted currency is causing quite a buzz for many reasons. Foremost is that it may likely be the forerunner of something much bigger that could dethrone the dollar overnight.

The Zimbabwe Zig has definitively changed the game. Despite scepticism from critics, Zimbabwe has done what Libya's Ghaddafi had proposed to do nearly 20 years ago to transform the fortunes of the African continent. The fact is that, by its mere existence, the new era of money is here.

And while Zimbabwe is certainly the very unlikely pioneer, in some ways it is not as unlikely as one would think. It actually makes more sense that Zimbabwe, which has been under sanctions for over 20 years would be the first to introduce a gold-backed currency. It is a step for which many African states have been dragging their feet. As well as refining and excavating their own resources.

Zimbabwe has had no choice. It had played victim long enough without the real aid and support of its region, before having to eventually strategize a plan to get up off of the proverbial floor. It had been pushed to its limit and had no other choice but to become its own hero. to Innovate.

Zimbabwe is not alone. Yonhap News Agency reported a landslide victory in Korea's parliamentary elections. The results formed what what was almost a super majority, with record voter turnout bolstering the opposition party. Increasigly nations will be forced to pivot by dire socioeconomic and geopolitical conditions.

Many nations will have to engineer their own freedom. The Developing nations will have to abandon the "damsel in distress" model of aid and quasi-business transactions. Rather it will need to stand ten toes down as a full-sized player in the international world, negotiate sensible deals, bolster its SMEs and refine own resources. And while some may be willing to tow the line of the current rules based order, in time, like all the others, they will be forced out of the Old Boys club too.

In fact, there is less give and take in todays geopolitical world, as Political Studies Professor Radhika Desai at the University of Manitoba notes in a 2024 Interview on US politics

"I agree we need diplomacy." Radhika said. "And where we find no diplomacy is precisely on the side of the United States and the West. And the reason is very simple: You can't have diplomacy, unless you are willing to bargain. But the West has said it is our way or the highway."

For years, with the exception of a few states, the world has watched malicious actors encircle, sanction and counter Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and other global south states seeking self-determination and sovereignty. The silence has been deafening, as one illegal military operation follows another; illegal land annexations skyrocketed in the middle east settler state and refusal to return stolen lands to indigenous in Latin America and Africa solidified.

But the stakes are higher today, as nations are threatened with crushing sanctions, regime changes, massive IMF Debt, strategic "terrorist" insurgencies, currency-collapsing rate hikes and economic hits of epic proportions. The dragnet has widen over the years as its targets begin to wise up to colonial gambits.

It becomes staggeringly clear: no one is coming to save the sanctioned and the countered, except the sanctioned and the countered themselves. They will have to create new currency, engineer new trade pacts, sign new international rules, develop new tech and overcome the hurdles of the old order, not merely to grow, but for their own survival. Begging and bargaining is merely hubris in the mind of a zero-sum hegemon.

The malicious actors of the old order are in the throws of a desperate death spiral, wildly attacking anything and anyone in an attempt to survive. From women and children in the Gaza Strip, to innocent villages by proxy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to endless clashes in Yemen the rules based order barrels forward.

It is why so many policies and plans have backfired, there is little planning or forethought. There is only wild vitriolic instinct left. Imagine a cornered wolverine or wildcat, hissing and lashing out as its only means to secure survival. Analysts and pundits look on in horror as the rules based order thrashes itself and its allies into oblivion. Australia has seen an average 800+ insolvencies monthly with a high of 1,131 in March 2024, 7 News Australia reports. The core issue for many rich stayes is that industry, intelligence and currency is migrating. And it is easier to make threats and airstikes than stop that migration.

Today, countries and regions often known for compliance will be forced to action as well, to avoid becoming a footnote in the annals of time. They are compelled by self-preservation to become more calculated. There will be surprises reprisals and reversals, much like we see with Zimbabwe's new gold-backed currency. States and leaders are beginning to realize that inaction may mean extinction. It is do, or die. In an instant, the first gold backed currency emerged since the US President ended the Gold Standard in 1972.

And we must not be naive about printable currency. Why would anyone ever stop printing if they couldal always solve their debts by firing up the printing press? Let's be realistic, if clipping a few pieces of paper can pay creditors, why stop? The ponzy scheme will continue indefinitely because it is lucrative. Much like the necessity of rate hikes which retard world economies to buy the rules bases order time to figure out their next gambit.

The fact is that states will need to solidify blocs and bodies to survive the assault. In the end, Russia will probably need to build a neutral zone; a new currency will be minted; BRICS will become the trading hub of the future and technology will hale from Asia. But that really is only the beginning.

While the human condition is tragic; the human spirit is also resourceful and relentless. There will be unforseen upheavals in rich states and the polarity of the world as we know it will fundementally change. New leaders will emerge in the Global South as the usual underpinnings of change that were guided by the rules based order will get discarded for a new normal in currency, trade and tech.

The old order is dying precisely because it is too small and inflexible to hold the world's growth. And that growth will become even more unpredictable and sudden because, survival is the fittest thing to when under attack.

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